Saturday, March 26, 2022

Murray Hamilton at 21 in Maid in the Ozarks

Murray Hamilton spent 1944 on stage in Los Angeles; seen here at the age of 21 in "Maid in the Ozarks." Fans who first associate character actor Murray Hamilton with Mayor Vaughn in "Jaws" might not realize he was making a name for himself in theater during the War. Here are three made-you-smile photos of young Murray Hamilton in Los Angeles at the age of 21 starring in "Maid in the Ozarks." Such great hair!

Murray Hamilton age 21 in 1944 "Maid in the Ozarks"

It kills me that theater happens, and it's gone. Imagine if Jack Barrymore's "Hamlet" had been preserved on film. At least we have these photos. Murray Hamilton's hands-on performance in "Maid in the Ozarks":
Murray Hamilton age 21 in 1944 "Maid in the Ozarks"
Coming from a Southern family myself, I am tempted to go off on what a slur "hillbilly" is, but instead I'll keep laughing about young actress Elberta Casey having her face nearly collide with a barefoot Murray Hamilton's rear end night after night. 

Murray Hamilton age 22 in 1945 "Maid in the Ozarks"

I have a lot more theater coverage for future posts, but these three photos are the classics. And the hair!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Happy Birthday, Murray Hamilton

Happy Birthday, Murray Hamilton. Although character actor Murray Hamilton hasn't actually celebrated a birthday since the 80s, if he were still with us, he would be 99 today. 

Murray Hamilton Happy Birthday

For the occasion, I put together 10 screen captures from a variety of his work.

Please also check the video clips I assembled on Youtube:

Murray Hamilton on Alfred Hitchcock Presents

Murray Hamilton on Cannon

Murray Hamilton in Jaws 2

Murray Hamilton on Love, American Style

Murray Hamilton on the Man Who Never Was

Murray Hamilton in 1941 movie

Murray Hamilton on BJ and the Bear

Murray Hamilton on the Night Gallery

Murray Hamilton in No Way to Treat a Lady

Murray Hamilton in Too Much Too Soon

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Murray Hamilton in Seconds, 1966 John Frankenheimer film

Although the lead character in this surreal film was named Arthur Hamilton, Murray Hamilton played his best friend from youth, Charlie. This is a black and white film with surreal photography by the legendary James Wong Howe. 

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Both of Murray Hamilton's scenes are in the same room although we do hear his voice on the telephone a few times. 

The title "Seconds" refers to a second chance, or two times around, and not an amount of time. 

Murray Hamilton would have been 42 when this was filmed. He didn't do any onscreen smoking in this one.

Oscar Goldman had Robert Duvall's head! Who knew!

Murray's screen time:

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

His conversation with Rock Hudson is largely in whispers. 

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

Murray Hamilton in Seconds 1966 film

On occasion he morphs into "Frank" Larry Linville on MASH.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Murray Hamilton Smoking

Murray Hamilton was a smoker. Would he have lived a longer life if he hadn't been a smoker? Most likely.
Murray Hamilton smoking

Some actors only smoked on screen, but you can tell the real full-time smokers by the way they blow smoke out their nose. Such a good-looking man -- with great hair -- yet I can smell his ashtray stink through this gif. Breaks my heart.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Brotherhood (1968): Murray Hamilton sits in a chair

 In The Brotherhood (1968), Murray Hamilton sits in a chair. 

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968
Murray Hamilton's three scenes in the 1968 Kirk Douglas mafia drama "The Brotherhood" consist of him sitting in a chair. That's all he does. And smokes, of course. He talks to Kirk Douglas, sits next to Luther Adler, delivers his lines. Barely opens his eyes, the usual. Imagine him asking his agent, "What do I do in this role?" You sit in a chair. It might be a decent film if you like mafia drama. Our man Murray, however, sits in a chair.
Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Murray Hamilton always has that cross between Johnny Cash and Pat Buchanan thing happening. I need to stitch some photos together.

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

Our man Murray sighs. For the film, he's reacting to Kirk Douglas' character being difficult. But we know he just wants to stand up and move around. This shoot must have been like a long flight with no amenities.
Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968
At least he got to get out of that chair to change his clothes so they could pretend this sitting scene took place on a different day. 
Murray Hamilton, The Brotherhood 1968

I must admit, toward the beginning of the film I thought I might get to see Our Man Murray dance. Alas! He did walk, but only on his way to sit down, smoking the whole time. These aren't that sharp, sadly, due to actual motion.

Murray Hamilton's birthday

101 years since the birth of character actor Murray Hamilton