Saturday, March 26, 2022

Murray Hamilton at 21 in Maid in the Ozarks

Murray Hamilton spent 1944 on stage in Los Angeles; seen here at the age of 21 in "Maid in the Ozarks." Fans who first associate character actor Murray Hamilton with Mayor Vaughn in "Jaws" might not realize he was making a name for himself in theater during the War. Here are three made-you-smile photos of young Murray Hamilton in Los Angeles at the age of 21 starring in "Maid in the Ozarks." Such great hair!

Murray Hamilton age 21 in 1944 "Maid in the Ozarks"

It kills me that theater happens, and it's gone. Imagine if Jack Barrymore's "Hamlet" had been preserved on film. At least we have these photos. Murray Hamilton's hands-on performance in "Maid in the Ozarks":
Murray Hamilton age 21 in 1944 "Maid in the Ozarks"
Coming from a Southern family myself, I am tempted to go off on what a slur "hillbilly" is, but instead I'll keep laughing about young actress Elberta Casey having her face nearly collide with a barefoot Murray Hamilton's rear end night after night. 

Murray Hamilton age 22 in 1945 "Maid in the Ozarks"

I have a lot more theater coverage for future posts, but these three photos are the classics. And the hair!

Murray Hamilton's birthday

101 years since the birth of character actor Murray Hamilton