Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Drowning Pool: Jay Hugh Kilbourne

 My Favorite Murray Hamilton character: Mr. Kilbourne
Murray Hamilton in the Drowning Pool with Paul Newman

From all of Mr. Hamilton's work that I've seen, his Jay Hugh (or is that J. Hugh? Subtitles put "Jay Hue" -- Hue? imdb puts "J.J."!) Kilbourne character from The Drowning Pool is my favorite. What a delightfully nasty man. For once, he isn't smoking on screen. But in this production still photo he was:

Murray Hamilton smoking in the Drowning Pool

Paul Newman plays Ross Macdonald's Lew Archer character again, renamed "Harper" for the big screen, and The Drowning Pool location has been moved to New Orleans. Someone call for a Southern character actor? Murray Hamilton is your man.  The real story is about a former lover of Harper's wanting his help because she is being blackmailed. Kilbourne's story overlaps with her family's. He wants the oil-rich tide pools that her family matriarch owns, and he wants the return of a little black book which reveals his shady dealings.

Murray Hamilton, the Drowning Pool
Looking a little plumper than usual, Murray was 51 at this point [with shooting dates of October 1974, after Jaws], and having too much fun as the villain. He has three scenes of any length, a couple walking to/from the car, and then his final scene, which is rather short. I won't spoil the ending, but the film did come out in 1975, so... 
Murray Hamilton, the Drowning Pool
Harper first meets Kilbourne outdoors in the daytime. Harper is taken on a boat to meet Kilbourne and his men who are training pit bulls for dog fighting. Fear not, animal lovers like me, no animal violence is shown, and there are no grisly details discussed. Kilbourne says the dogs are in training [a cat is shown in a cage near a dog, who looks quite happy, and a raccoon is also seen in a cage; two dogs held on leashes are barking at each other] and mentions "teeth matches" which are "illegal as hell." 

How did he keep from laughing when he said one of the pit bulls "favors a nephew of mine"? 

Kilbourne is an oil man and there is an oil-rich tide pool that he doesn't yet own. He reckons three people stand in his way, and he wants Harper's help in getting it. The current owner wants to turn it into a sanctuary for birds. We learn Jay Hugh likes to slide in sideways. He's a slant driller. [He drinks your milkshake!]

Kilbourne's signature word is "outstanding!" 

Murray Hamilton Outstanding the Drowning Pool
He tells Harper that his high school nickname was "the Crab"!

Later Harper will board one of Jay Hugh's yachts, which is naturally guarded by vicious dogs, after dark. Here Kilbourne is all in red and cooking shrimp, which he just throws overboard because he can't eat such things anymore. Murray Hamilton had gotten awfully plump.

Murray Hamilton in the Drowning Pool with a bad stomach

Murray Hamilton, Murray Hamilton's eyes, The Drowning Pool

Murray Hamilton character actor fat in the Drowning Pool
He is willing to pay big money to get his little black book back. Harper is pursuing the man who took it for another reason though, in his attempt to help the woman who requested his services in the first place. 

Kilbourne's much younger wife gets the attention of Harper, and both wind up in The Drowning Pool. Jay Hugh really wants the little black book back, and he doesn't mind torturing Harper and his own wife. 

Murray Hamilton, the Drowning Pool, Outstanding

Murray Hamilton character actor the Drowning Pool

Murray Hamilton Jaws Mayor, the Drowning Pool

Murray Hamilton, Jaws mayor, the Drowning Pool
With his hair all wet, you can see how long that signature front piece is. Nearly drowned himself, he's delightfully pathetic. 

Murray Hamilton is fat and wet in the Drowning Pool

Murray Hamilton character actor the Drowning Pool
The movie features an overly sexual young Melanie Griffith, but she and Mr. Hamilton have no scenes together. The average "Rockford Files" episode was generally better and less confusing to follow, so the film isn't in anyone's top 100. Nonetheless, Murray Hamilton's sadistic character stands out. I can't say his accent jumps out at me as "New Orleans," but his (actually rather stupid) lines are such fun. 

Miss Marty's Favorite:

Murray Hamilton's birthday

101 years since the birth of character actor Murray Hamilton